A better world starts with an open cloud

Impossible Cloud Network (ICN) is a multi-service cloud platform connecting cloud service providers with top-tier infrastructure. We’re decentralizing the cloud while maintaining highest performance and service quality of cloud services.

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Introducing Impossible Cloud Network

ICN consolidates global cloud infrastructure under one set of abstractions. It provides an open and programmable platform that empowers users to seamlessly access hardware from trusted providers, with flexibility and choice in their cloud experience.

How it works

ICN enables independent HPs to provide hardware capacity to a common & decentralized cloud network.
A distributed architecture and a transparent, protocol-powered marketplace ensures better security, integrity, and resiliency compared to traditional systems.


Hardware Providers

Hardware Providers play a crucial role in ensuring the network’s robustness and scalability. They take part in a transparent marketplace in which they are reliably compensated and incentivized to deliver the highest service quality.

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A globe with a network of green dots on it.

Service Providers

Service providers design and deliver new cloud products. They leverage ICN’s decentralized architecture to create innovative services for their customers.

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The ICN community actively supports and evolves the ecosystem, enabling continuous improvement and driving the network’s growth.

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ICN Protocol & Virtual Machine

Our Protocol (ICNP) and Virtual Machine (ICVM) pool heterogeneous hardware into the network, ensuring high performance and reliability levels, and competitive pricing and serve as the foundation for introducing new cloud primitives.

Coming soon
Key Benefits

Building a better cloud


Better cloud services

ICN’s decentralized architecture and selection process enables service providers to create the highest quality services for their customers, maintaining performance and quality.


An efficient & transparent marketplace

The transparent and innovative protocol-powered marketplace ensures efficient allocation of network resources and competitive pricing.


An open & programmable platform

ICN’s programmability and open structure encourage collaboration and enable the development of novel solutions and services. It takes the promise of open-source to an open platform.

One Platform, one decentralized cloud.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Impossible Cloud Network and how does it work?

The Impossible Cloud Network (ICN) is a decentralized approach to cloud infrastructure, providing a platform for managing hardware and cloud resources. It leverages decentralized technologies to ensure data security, integrity, and resiliency. The network functions by pooling global cloud infrastructure under one set of abstractions, removing vendor lock-in and implementing a decentralized platform for Cloud Services.

What are the benefits of using the ICN compared to existing services?

The ICN offers several benefits over traditional cloud services. It provides high-performant cloud products with better data security, integrity, and resiliency. By leveraging decentralized technologies, it eliminates vendor lock-in and promotes an open, community-driven platform for cloud infrastructure management. Additionally, the ICN's transparent marketplace ensures efficient allocation of resources and competitive pricing.

Can you explain the role of Hardware Providers (HP) and Service Providers (SP)?

Hardware Providers (HP) dedicate hardware resources to the ICN network, ensuring its robustness and scalability. They commit capacity to the network and run node software to serve requests from Service Providers (SP). Service Providers design and deliver cloud products, leveraging the ICN's decentralized architecture to create innovative services for their customers.

What is ICN Protocol?

The ICN Protocol (ICNP) functions as a coordination and network formation protocol for hardware nodes in the ICN network. It incentivizes node participation through reward structures based on demand needs and network performance. ICNP includes a capacity marketplace where Service Providers can access dedicated hardware capacity through a tendering and reverse auction process.

How is data security addressed in the ICN?

Data security in the ICN is addressed through decentralized technologies and encryption mechanisms. The network's decentralized architecture ensures better data security, integrity, and resiliency compared to traditional systems. Additionally, hardware performance is continuously monitored, and anomalies are reported and addressed on an incentivization level, enhancing overall data security and reliability.

Let’s decentralize the cloud.

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